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Delivery of mv "Santa Venera"

We are happy to announce accomplishment of new project under our management.


m/v Santa Venera is already afloat.

mv "Santa Venera" (Hull SS355) launching took place on 28th November 2023 at TZS.

Safety and Environment Protection Policy

The TRANSSHIP BULK DOO places utmost importance on the safety of the vessel, crew and cargo, as well as on conservation & protection of the environment. In this regard, it is the Company’s Policy to promote and enhance safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life and avoidance of damage to the environment, and to maintain ships resilience to cyber risks.

The Company’s objectives within the scope of the safety management system are:

  • The Company will maintain a zero incident understanding in the area of safety and zero spill in the area of environmental pollution by monitoring and analyzing reported shipping / accidents;
  • Lessons learnt will be distributed across the fleet to avoid similar occurrence of such incidents / accidents happen within the organization. The Company acknowledges her responsibility in this respect;
  • It is the Company’s aim to undertake all possible actions to prevent any casualty and recognises that the safe ship operation is the most important means to ensure it’s Safety & Environmental as well as Quality policies and to provide safe practises in ship operation and a safe working environment;
  • The Management to actively participate in the Implementation of Company’s Safety & Quality Management System and continually improving its effectiveness both ashore and on board Company’s vessels. The Company will encourage personnel to be conscious regarding Safety and Environmental protection, and express a positive attitude and co-operation of everyone involved;
  • To assess all identified risks to its ships, personnel and the environment, including cyber risk threats and establish appropriate safeguards;
  • To continually improve safety management skills of personnel ashore and on board ships, including preparing for emergencies related both to safety and to environmental protection;
  • To comply with mandatory rules and regulations applicable to both ship and shore-based operations and the applicable legal and other requirements such as applicable codes, guidelines and standards recommended by the Organization, Administrations, Classification Societies and maritime industry organizations;
  • Maintaining key personnel knowledge on safety and environmental protection matters up-to-date through relevant training;
  • Ensuring through internal audits and verification that the policy is effectively implemented;
  • Maintaining records of accidents and injuries with the relevant analysis and the result of which shall be used as a feedback to management for further training required for crew;
  • Company’s management will monitor, measure, analyse goals and expectations to verify that the processes are implemented effectively and to achieve goals and objectives as defined;
  • Company acknowledges Master’s overriding authority to act or give the necessary orders for the protection of human life, for the safety of the cargo / ship and for the protection of the environment, whether these are in agreement or not with the Safety and Quality System procedures and instructions provided by the Company;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the corrective actions and actions to prevent re-occurrence taken by company on past accidents and non conformities raised against regulations;
  • Reviewing and evaluating the policy, Master review, audit results and Management review for continuing suitability.